Friday 13 January 2012

LOVE The Essence Of LIFE

"Love is the deep desire to bless the Existence."

"In love, the unreal dies."

"Only the heart can speak or hear
that which is authentic."

"Pain is a very essential experience in life.
You will never experience love otherwise,
as love also bring pain."


"Laugh and make others laugh.
Don't get entangled and don't entangle others."

"The most unfortunate people
are those who never feel grateful
The very gratefulness itself
fulfills the purpose of life.
It brings joy and you experience your fullness."

"The wish of perfection in play is foolishness
because it is already perfect."

Thursday 12 January 2012


"Prayer is not asking for something.
Prayer is gratefulness;
a recognition of the huge tidal waves of love
that God is pouring on you every moment."

"You don't have to go to a church, a temple or a
mosque to pray;
Wherever you pray, God is there."

"Prayer depends on the one who prays.
It doesn't matter to whom you pray.
You are more than enough for a prayer to happen."

"No one else can do your prayer for you.
Your prayer is your own flowering;
No other bud can bloom for you."

"Prayer cannot happen with words."

is not going towards something
which is out side of you.
Prayer is becoming aware of the presence."

"Prayer is not a mechanical thing, a set routine;
It can never be practiced.
Prayer must rise spontaneously from within."

"There is no experience that can equal
the ecstasy of prayer."

"Prayer is not a serious thing;
you don't have to be sad to pray.
Prayer is joy."

"When you pray for peace,
peace is greater than God to you;
When you pray for knowledge,
knowledge is greater than God to you."